Use a Tripod, Take Perfect Photographs

Keeping the camera steady can be difficult, and a shaky hand can ruin some great photos. Although in good lighting conditions the shutter speed is high which counters the effect of an unstable hand but in low light conditions that unstable hand will be registered in the photographs and they will come out having double shadows and be all shaky as if the camera was all drunk. To avoid this a tripod is used, and this will enable you to take clear and crisp photos in any lighting conditions without having to increase the ISO which can cause the photos to come out with a lot of noise (grainy).
SLIK PRO 700DX Professional
Tripod with Panhead
Not only are tripods used in low light conditions but even when the light is plenty they can come in handy. They are a must if you are using a telephoto lens or a lens with high zoom levels. When zoomed in you will notice that there will be a lot of movement and this can cause a disturbance in composition as well as making the pictures come out blurry. A tripod will also give your arms and hands a break from having to hold on to the camera for prolonged periods of time. In addition they are a lot of uses for a tripod specially when it comes to creative photography, panning is one of those examples when having a tripod makes the job a lot easier, and then when we come over to long exposures you cannot imagine doing them without a tripod. Long exposures can range from 1 second to 30 seconds and even longer than that, in fact the longest exposure was made by an artist named Michael Wesely, which was for 34 months.
Tripods come in a lot of sizes and shapes; some are for table top use while others are full-sized and can be quit bulky to carry. The least expensive ones, generally made out of aluminium, are used for consumer still and video cameras. The head is basic and the feet, rubber. Some allow a 90 degree flip of the head enabling users to take photographs in portrait instead of landscape. Tripods that are quite sturdy and strong are quite costly and usually not fitted with integrated heads so that it can be customized according to one's needs. Made up of many materials, the carbon fibre has a more popular demand due to its light weight. Additional features like the camera being mounted between the legs with a reversible center post, levelling indicators on head and feet and the legs of the tripod opening up to different angles are also found in many pricey tripods. Small table tripods, commonly known as table-pods, are used in situations where a full-sized tripod is too heavy to carry.
The official website of Best Tripod Reviews can help you find out all about the latest tripods in the market. Manfrotto Tripod is an excellent choice and it is made for professionals and enthusiasts.
Article Source: Jamie_P._Johnson

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